Stelar Metals Limited (ASX: SLB) has identified a third parallel copper mineralized gossan to the east of the Baratta Copper Project. Additionally, infill rock chips also emphasize the consistency of the high-grade copper grades along the strike of the stacked stratabound gossans.
Baratta is considered highly prospective consistent for Sediment-hosted Stratabound Copper (SSC) mineralization analogous to the Central African Copper Belt (CACB). The Baratta Copper Project has now been mapped and sampled for over 3.6km along strike, which remains open in both directions. Each new discovery of parallel mineralized gossans multiplies the economic potential of this SSC Copper Project. Round three rock chip sampling at Baratta has again returned exciting results, with 27% of the samples assaying over 10% copper and 69% assaying over 5% copper.
Petrological examination of the primary chalcopyrite (copper-iron sulphide) mineralization observed in haematite-chalcocite-copper oxide breccias from shallow mine waste at Baratta is currently being undertaken by Microanalysis in Perth. The historic Baratta Copper Mine produced copper ore between 1896 and 1904 from a 1.5km long zone of stratabound workings in a structure splaying off the major Bibliando Thrust structure.
Multiple parallel mineralized horizons of quartz-haematite gossan extend for several kilometres through Stelar’s tenements, coincident with a recently discovered large Induced Polarisation (IP) chargeable anomaly as it approaches the Bibliando Thrust. Sediment-hosted Stratabound Copper (SSC) deposits are the world’s second most important source of copper and account for ~20% of the world’s copper production. In 2024, the Central African Copper Belt (CACB), which spans the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia, is positioned to be the second-largest global copper producer behind Chile’s large porphyry deposits.
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