From Exploration to Discovery: Palladium, Nickel, and Lithium in Western Australia

Stock Code:
Company Exposures:
Nickel, Palladium, Lithium
Project Location:
Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) is focused on the exploration and development of PGE (palladium platinum), nickel, copper, cobalt, and lithium resources in Western Australia. GAL’s tenements near Norseman are highly prospective for new discoveries as shown by the Callisto deposit. GAL also has joint ventures with the Creasy Group over tenements in the Fraser Range which are prospective for nickel copper sulphide deposits similar to the operating Nova mine.
Investment Highlights
- Well-funded and supported junior exploration company
- Early discovery valuation with ongoing drill programmes
- Highly prospective Norseman & Fraser Range projects Active explorer with highly experienced management and team
- Focused on high demand metals – nickel, palladium, platinum, copper, cobalt, rhodium, and lithium