Before we jump into your projects, can you talk us through the expertise you have on board your team?
We are fortunate to have put together a team that has expertise across all facets of mining from project development and exploration through to financing, investor relations, and corporate development. Collectively, our team has over 100 years of experience in the mining space. Our VP of Exploration, Dr. Dave Peck, used to run Anglo American’s nickel exploration team, and our senior management team and directors come to the table with a strong financial acumen.
Major news for Grid was the initiation of a maiden eagle drill programme at the MM copper/nickel project, where do you see the potential in terms of drill targets?
We recently announced some very positive drill results from our Eagle drill programme which has us excited about the prospectivity of the 4km copper trend. Highlights of the intercepts include 25.0m at 1.47% CuEq and 20.0m at 0.99% CuEq, located over 400m apart. The entire 4km trend is littered with drill-ready targets, and while we won’t get to all of them during this first drill programme, we hope to demonstrate to the market the potential for the Eagle gabbro to host a significant magmatic sulphide deposit.
In tandem with the drill programme, Grid has commenced ground IP and two deep penetrating, high-resolution airborne magnetic-EM surveys, can you talk us through your exploration strategy?
Leveraging airborne magnetic-EM surveys and ground IP allows our exploration team to better vector in on compelling drill targets. The team is well-versed in taking a holistic approach to mineral discovery by leveraging modern exploration methods.
Moving over to your Donner lithium project, the company has made significant strides in terms of permitting, what’s next for the project?
The Donner project received an advanced exploration permit this year which was a huge permitting milestone for the project. The permit allows Grid to complete a bulk sample at site and to move quickly into full mine permitting once lithium prices recover. While we don’t know when lithium prices will recover, we believe there is considerable value at Donner that can be realized in a higher lithium price environment. Until that time comes, we are focused on the potential of our MM copper/nickel project, and in particular, the Eagle copper trend which sits entirely outside of our current resource.

MM and Donner are both located on the northern part of the Bird River Greenstone Belt 150km northeast of Winnipeg Manitoba, what makes this an exciting place to operate in?
The Bird River greenstone belt is an excellent place to operate, owing to the world-class infrastructure and mineral prospectivity. The belt has been favourably compared to the Ring of Fire in northwestern Ontario, and the belt is in close proximity to existing paved roads, rail, and powerlines. In addition, the belt has been severely underexplored owing to fragmented ownership until belt consolidation by Grid in 2023.
How do you see copper sentiment changing as we head into 2025?
Copper price performance was strong in 2024, but price has come off its highs of +US$5.00/lb into year-end. We think the macro tailwinds are very compelling for copper as we head into 2025, and we believe that copper is one of the best commodities that investors should have exposure to in the next five years. The supply/demand picture is very bullish in the medium-term, and we think that projects in mining friendly jurisdictions should do quite well.